Specialty Services Policies

Consultation Services:

Getting help with your own projects -

  • You are entitled to cancel any consultation services with a 72 hour prior notice (Day of appointment not included) of your scheduled appointment. (IE: If you scheduled a consultation at 12pm on 15 May, 2024, then you must cancel no later than 12pm on 12 May, 2024.)

  • In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement, including your customer name and email address associated with your reserved appointment day and time. Cancellation time will be documented as the time of receipt of your message.

You can inform us of your decision to cancel by e-mail orders@twistedleathercreations.com

Failure to cancel with 72 hours of notification will result in a forfeiture of your appointment deposit.

At our discretion, we may reimburse you, in part or in full, if your cancellation was due to unforeseeable circumstances. We may also choose to offer a rescheduled appointment depending on your circumstances. Please reach out to us as soon as possible if you even suspect there may be a problem with keeping your scheduled consultation services.

Appointment Rescheduling:

Life changes, we get it -

  • Appointments rescheduled with sufficient notice (exceeding 72 hours notice) will not incur a rescheduling fee for the first reschedule. Addition rescheduling needs will require an additional 20% non-refundable deposit, for each additional scheduling change, in addition to the deposit fees already paid, in order to reschedule. (Subject to exceptions as determined by TLC)

Lay Away:

We understand our products and services can sometimes be a lot-

  • Lay away services are available for customers who would like to place an order, but would like the payments to be split between three, four and six months.

  • Customers are required to pay a non-refundable signup fee of 10% of the purchase price at the time of starting a lay away purchase agreement. This will be in addition to the full cost of their purchase price, including all relevant shipping and processing fees, distributed across their chosen payment time-frame.

    • IE: Greg decides to enter into a lay away purchase agreement for an order totaling $100 over a period of four months. Today, the 13th of June, he is required to pay a signup fee of $10, plus his first month's payment of $25.

    • His next payment will be due on the 13th of July, followed by August 13th, and ending on the 13th of September.

  • All payments are due on the agreed upon date of each month, before 12 midnight Pacific Standard Time, with a late fee of $5 for each day past due. Customers are responsible for any late fees that may occur as a result of their financial institutions delay in processing their payment requests. It is solely the customer's responsibility to be able to provide evidence of a timely payment to dispute late transactions should this occur. Without evidence, the late fees will not be reversed.

  • Late fees will continue to accrue if your account is delinquent because of unpaid late fees, even if you've paid your monthly payment amount in full.

  • At the discretion of an authorized TLC representative, late fees may be waived under mitigating circumstances. Failure to communicate with TLC in a timely manner will result in an automatic denial of such options.

    • Greg makes his payment in July, but forgets in August until the 15th.

    • In order to bring his account into good standing, Greg must pay August's monthly payment of $25, plus an additional $10 for the 14th and 15th.

  • Accounts more than 15 days late will receive a notice of cancellation to the email associated with their lay away purchase agreement. Customers will have 48 hours from the time of notification to bring their accounts into good standing. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation of your lay away purchase agreement.

  • Lay away purchase agreements that result in cancellation are not subject to a full refund. All non-refundable fees remain non-refundable, and 35% of all additional money paid will be forfeited to Twisted Leather Creations as a restocking and/or processing fee. If a non-refundable deposit was paid towards a custom order creation, that too will be forfeited in accordance with our custom order cancellation policy.

    • Greg forgot to make his account payment again in September. This time he missed the payment request email altogether and then left for vacation. Upon returning, the deadline for his cancellation notice had passed and he had already received verification that his lay away purchase agreement was terminated.

    • The 10% signup fee of $10, and his August late fee of $10 both remained non-refundable.

    • He paid $25 for June, July and August, for a total of $75, of which $48.75 has been refunded.

  • Customers who have a lay away agreement terminated will be banned from entering into another lay away purchase agreement for a minimum of 12 months. Once the ban has been lifted, they will be required to pay a penalty of an addition 5% towards their next lay away agreement signup fee, for a total of 15% instead of the regular 10%. Once they have successfully completed the lay away agreement, they will be considered to be a customer in good standing and no further penalties will be required so long as they remain in good standing.

  • Any customer that defaults on a lay away purchase agreement twice will be banned from this service for life.

  • Any customer that tries to defraud, scam, trick or otherwise lie to Twisted Leather Creations, in order to bypass penalties, fees, a ban, etc will be banned from our products and services for life.

    • Greg feels horrible about his awful mistake and contacts Twisted Leather Creations to see if anything can be done to correct his mistake. An associate at TLC understands mistakes happen and provides him with options as the item he wished to purchase has not yet sold.

We here, at Twisted Leather Creations encourage you, the customer, to maintain an open line of communication with us. This is a service intended to help our customers, and sometimes life happens, mistakes are made, and the unexpected takes control. Our policies are written to inform and guide you, the customer, and protect us, the business, but if you ever run into problems, please feel free to reach out to us. Our customers are important to us. If we can, we'll help you find a solution that works for both of us.